Creative Agency

Black Wolf Creatives is a collective based on Vancouver Island, B.C.

Our story takes its beginning at a small office with a few like - minded people and bottomless cups of coffee, that kept us working throughout the night when we have just started building a company with a strong idea. We strived to build a brand that will contribute to the world with useful products that empower people and make their lives easier. We still believe in it today.

We believe brands are the cultural connection between companies and their communities. Our multifunctional team brings together designers, developers, and graphic designers. Applying our multifaceted team’s skillset, we will help you overcome the trickiest challenges during the exciting product development journey.

We believe that product usability is like love. You should care, listen, and you have to be willing to change and fix your infelicities. So we pay particular attention to user testing and aim to deliver better products that will be quickly-loved by people.